Zapytania ofertowe
Wygenerowano: 2025-02-27 09:26:06
ZAK/2025/000380 Establishment of service conditions Angelus closers - Animex Szczecin plant - Z191/13089/1
Data rozpoczęcia: 2025-02-27 10:00:00 Data zakończenia: 2025-03-06 09:00:00 Termin zadawania pytań (do kiedy?): 2025-03-03 09:00:00
Animex Foods sp. z o.o.
ul. Chałubińskiego 8
00-613 Warszawa
NIP: 5272698951
Kupiec prowadzący: Liberadzka, Karolina
telefon stacjonarny: -
telefon komórkowy: -
Osoba kontaktowa w sprawach merytorycznych:
Treść zapytania

Good morning,

I would like to invite you to submit an offer for servicing the Angelus 4V (Pneumatic Scale Angelus) can closing machine at the Animex Plant located in Szczecin.

The offer in the pdf file must include:

  • Cost one working hours (week/weekend/nights)
  • Travelling cost
  • Hotel cost
  • Other price components, if any
  • Payment Term
  • Warranty (months)
  • The service response time is defined as the time from the formal report of a failure to the moment a service engineer appears at the machine (does not apply to online help)
  • The maximum time to remove a failure is the time from the formal report of the failure (resulting from regular operation of the machine) to the time the unit is restored to the condition from before the failure. The above mentioned parameter should include the waiting time for spare parts.


I The proceeding is to sign a service contract for a period of 2 years with a price stability guarantee for a minimum of 12 months.

II The basis for settlement will be each time the legible signature of the person receiving the as-built protocol from Animex.

III The plant will ask for a preliminary offer before the visit, billing based on actual hours worked and other costs .

IV The date of the visit will be arranged directly with an employee of the Plant


Andrzej Górecki , tel. +48 696 231 164


The Animex Group reserves the right to consider only complete offers meeting all the requirements of this request for quotation.

You must have the right to:

1. Changes in the purchasing procedure and the way it is conducted.

2. Free choice of offers.

3. Rejection of any of the offers, application and termination of the procedure or rejection of all offers, in the event of subsequent proceedings without selection of offers and without liability towards the bidders, as well as without presentation.



Karolina Liberadzka

Produkt Indeks/Nr produktu Ilość Jednostka miary
1. Cost one working hours -week 1 rbg.
2. Cost one working hours -weekend 1 rbg.
3. Cost one working hours -nights 1 rbg.
4. Travelling cost 1 szt.
5. Hotel cost 1 szt.
Kryteria formalne (warunki udziału w postępowaniu):
1. Scan of the insurance policy
2. Offer in pdf file with inquiry number and name of buyer
3. Payment term not shorter than 30 days
Dodatkowe warunki formalne:
Kryteria oceny oferty:
1. Cena - 70%
2. Termin płatności - 10%
3. Czas reakcji serwisowej: godziny - 5%
4. Maksymalny czas usunięcia awarii: godziny - 5%
5. Gwarancja: miesiące - 10%
Dodatkowe pytania do oferty:

Brak pozycji

Lista firm na rzecz których realizowany jest zakup:
1. Animex Foods sp. z o. o. Oddział w Szczecinie


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