Zapytania ofertowe
Wygenerowano: 2024-03-13 14:21:20
Zakończono zbieranie ofert
[ZAK/2023/001361] Dry sausages loading system for roll packaging machine -Animex Kutno K1 - Z1174/8436/1
Data rozpoczęcia: 2024-03-13 14:25:00 Data zakończenia: 2024-05-31 11:00:00 Termin zadawania pytań (do kiedy?): 2024-05-30 12:00:00
Animex Foods sp. z o.o.
ul. Chałubińskiego 8
00-613 Warszawa
NIP: 5272698951
Kupiec prowadzący: Rybarkiewicz, Grzegorz
telefon stacjonarny: -
telefon komórkowy: -
Osoba kontaktowa w sprawach merytorycznych:
Treść zapytania

Hello , we invite you to participate in the proceedings.

The request for quotation concerns the implementation of a system for loading dry sausages into a roll packaging machine. Detailed data will be provided during the on-site inspection or at the request of the Bidders. We will answer your questions.

Contact for technical issues and on-site inspection: 

General requirements:

The offer should include a cost estimate (costs of individual devices, options, delivery, assembly and commissioning, training, and other costs necessary to incur)

Terms and date of payment - in the case of advance payment (not more than 30%) submission of a bank or insurance guarantee - draft attached to acceptance

Minimum warranty period 24 months
The offer should contain information on service conditions both during the warranty period and after its expiry. If there is such a distinction, it is also divided into working hours or weekdays / holidays, the cost of man-hour and the cost of travel

Service response time understood as the time counted from the moment of formal notification of the fault until the moment of appearance of the service employee at the device (does not apply to online help)

The maximum time of repairing the failure understood as the time counted from the moment of formal notification of the failure (resulting from normal operation) to the moment of restoration to the technical condition before the failure. The above parameter should take into account the waiting time for spare parts.
Inspection/maintenance - how many times during the warranty period and after its expiry, the cost of 1 inspection
The Animex Group reserves that only complete offers that meet all the requirements included in this request for quotation will be considered
The Ordering Party reserves the right to:

- changes in the scope of the procurement procedure and the manner of its conduct.

- free choice of offer.
- reject any of the tenders, cancel and close the procedure or reject all tenders, at any time at any stage of the procedure without selection of the tender and without liability of any kind to the tenderers and without giving any reason.

If you have any questions, please contact us using the Logintrade platform

A confidentiality agreement (attached) is required to submit an offer

Scans of signed contracts should be sent to: email:

It is enough to sign the agreement once and it will also apply to other projects implemented throughout the Animex Group

Best regards,

Grzegorz Rybarkiewicz


Produkt Indeks/Nr produktu Ilość Jednostka miary
1. Dry sausages loading system for roll packaging machine 1 komplet
Kryteria formalne (warunki udziału w postępowaniu):
1. Termin płatności: 30 dni
2. Miejsce dostawy: siedziba
3. Koszt transportu: po stronie dostawcy
4. Validity of the offer
5. Consent to e-invoice
Dodatkowe warunki formalne:
Kryteria oceny oferty:
1. Cena - 60%
2. Termin realizacji: dni kalendarzowe - 30%
3. Gwarancja: miesiące - 10%
Dodatkowe pytania do oferty:

Brak pozycji

Lista firm na rzecz których realizowany jest zakup:
1. ​Animex Kutno Sp. z o. o. Oddział K1 w Kutnie


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